Index of articles

From this page you can access the various features on different aspects of the Afghan War. There are a few that are being slowly developed and will be added as soon as they are completed.

A cold Afghan morning for a British soldier on campaign.

Army Surgeons in the Afghan War and on the March to Kandahar - written and researched in connection with BBC Radio 4's Making History, broadcast on Tuesday 26 Oct 2004.
Lord Roberts' famous march from Kabul to Kandahar August 1880 - the facts of the march and the soldiers who were sent to relieve the garrison at Kandahar.
Ford o' Kabul River - Rudyard Kipling's poem and the disaster to the 10th Hussars that inspired it.
The Truth about the British and the Bala Hissar and the Second Anglo Afghan War - was the fort demolished as an act of revenge in 1879 or 1880?
Maiwand - The Last Stand of the 66th (Berkshire) Regiment in Afghanistan 1880 - a new book by Richard J. Stacpoole-Ryding for which I wrote the introduction, reproduced here.
The March to Kandahar: Roberts in Afghanistan - an interview with the author of a new book on Roberts and the Afghan War, Dr. Rodney Atwood.
Maiwand Day: Wargaming the Afghan War - an interview with Ethan Reiff concerning his tabletop recreation of Maiwand for the 130th anniversary of the battle.
"You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive" - Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Watson and the Afghan War 1880
The Funeral of Lord Roberts of Kandahar - a piece on the final journey home of Sir Frederick Roberts after he died visiting British and Indian troops on the Western Front in November 1914.
Afghan hounds - Dogs of War - tales of man's best friend in the Afghan campaign.
The Afghan War exhibition at the National Army Museum - a visit in Feb 2007 to see the gallery of John Burke photographs, plus some other related exhibits.

All original content on this site is © Garen Ewing 2024, unless otherwise stated.
Original images from my own collection and data on this site should not be used without prior permission - thank you.
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